TICK Stack, Grafana® & InfluxDB - How IoT service providers visualise sensor and machine data
One of the most important interfaces of an IoT project are the user interfaces. System statuses can be visualised efficiently and clearly at any point during integration using dashboards. InfluxData and Grafana® offer open source solutions for this, both of which enable visualisations for IoT data based on the InfluxDB database. We show...
Teambuilding Event
Frische Bergluft in 1.200 Metern Höhe, ein phantastisches Alpenpanorama und im Tal der malerische Spitzingsee – eine bessere Kulisse hätten wir für unser Teambuilding-Event nicht wählen können. Das intensive Wochenende sollte uns ganz dicht an die Core Values von elunic bringen, den Teamgeist stärken und...
Equipment-as-a-Service and pay-per-use: business models of the future
From e-commerce (Web 1.0) to crowdsourcing (Web 2.0) and IoT services (Web 3.0): the internet is constantly innovating and motivating new digital business models. New business models in particular utilise the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to combine physical products and digital services into hybrid, efficient...
SMC and elunic develop joint solution
shopfloor.io for full energy transparency and optimisation Manufacturing companies are faced with the challenge of maintaining a precise overview of the energy consumption and maintenance status of their machinery, recognising losses at an early stage and taking appropriate measures to achieve savings or avoid peak loads. To this end, SMC, the specialist...
Teamevents feiern trotz Corona
Auch über Remote-Verbindungen können Office-Partys Spaß machen und das Gemeinschaftsgefühl stärken. Das Team von elunic hat es erlebt. Gute Planung, die richtige Software und ein ausgearbeitetes Programm helfen dabei. Teamevents gehören bei der elunic AG fest zur Firmenkultur. Deswegen war die Enttäuschung groß, als das geplante...